Sunday, October 16, 2022 12:00 am
Lamar, MO 64759, USA
Sunday, October 16, 2022 12:00 am
1 guest
This isn’t a weapon to be wielded to irritate and throw stones , but a walk sometimes we must take in order to keep our walk with God real! The hard lines are not easy! But it’s also not a go but... View MoreThis isn’t a weapon to be wielded to irritate and throw stones , but a walk sometimes we must take in order to keep our walk with God real! The hard lines are not easy! But it’s also not a go button for burning down the other side of it , we are called to love! We are called to be at peace with every man! Though we may not agree, we are called to love them even our enemies. If you see this in any other way, then you should read the Bible a couple more times . Harshly judging others for what they’re doing now and writing them off will not save them. Will not affect the change in anyway. At one time and one please God showed up in my life when I was screwed up not doing the right things not saying the right things not acting the right way not being who I was sapossed to be And I had Grace offered. I had love given. I had mercy handed to me even though I didn’t deserve it. And we are called to be like Christ we are constantly letting the devil fight our battles and then praying to God, why is it so hard? Why is it all like this? Why do you allow this? Stop letting the enemy grind you and decide what you say and how you react! Seek a God who gives wisdom freely and peace freely and love freely and grace freely And walk upright like we should.
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gearing up for the big day! October 9th, Lamar city park. Godfest
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