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Word OfTruth
"Therefore, thus says The Lord God: Behold the generation of My wrath! Look upon this great multitude of wicked and deceived peoples; look deep into this darkness! Take a lantern and search, go from h... View More
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Word OfTruth
“The mark, this mark of the beast, is a choice, a grave error. Yet as of this day, it remains merely an invention of man, a device, a stamp. Yet there is an evil one among men who will gain power and ... View More
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Word OfTruth
“For the time has come, and is already upon you, when the children of God must be cleansed and set apart for My glory, says The Lord. Yet today the sanctified will be lashed, and the wicked uplifted. ... View More
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Word OfTruth
"Behold, The Mighty One of Jacob has spoken in His authority, yet few have given heed, few have bowed down to give Me glory, few have cupped the ear. Therefore I shall speak louder, and the sound of M... View More
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Word OfTruth
The Tabernacle of My Mercy “Behold, I shall come in an instant! In a moment, I shall reach down and take My spoil! Therefore let the remnant of Israel be found waiting with eager hands, and let those... View More
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Word OfTruth
TREASON "I shall bring calamity in waves! Behold, the weight of My punishment shall increase by measure, bringing forth destruction without respite! Escape shall flee away, safety shall become a dis... View More
Word OfTruth
The Volumes of Truth - Volume Seven Preface: "The Indignation of The Lord" No more shall I withhold My hand,... View More
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Word OfTruth
"...Therefore hear the Word of The Lord, O peoples of the earth; awake and behold the signs, for The Lord God testifies against you: I am The Lord and I have purposed, and I shall bring My hand agains... View More
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Word OfTruth
"Thus says The Lord: Behold, I am come to take My own, to plunge this world into darkness. Even with a heavy heart, it must be. For My heart is torn, My wounds remain, and My heart bleeds still. Yet t... View More
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Word OfTruth
“Yet I tell you this, the days are evil. And the day is indeed coming quickly, when times and laws shall be changed, and evil shall reign for a short season. And in that day and at that time, you shal... View More
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