"Justice shall be poured out and punishment sent down!
For I am The God of Judgment, The God of Recompense!...
Behold, The God of Vengeance is risen up
In His fierce anger and is come down in... View More"Justice shall be poured out and punishment sent down!
For I am The God of Judgment, The God of Recompense!...
Behold, The God of Vengeance is risen up
In His fierce anger and is come down in
His overflowing indignation, to repay!...
Amen and amen!
Let it be done, let it come to pass quickly! With great swiftness let wrath overflow, until evil is swept away and the wickedness of men is wiped clean, until every tower crumbles and every city is consumed with fire, until I have utterly destroyed all the works of man, UNTIL I HAVE BLOTTED OUT THE KINGDOMS OF MEN!"
Says The Lord
Excerpt from: https://www.thevolumesoftruth.com/The_Days_of_the_Martyred_Prophets_Are_at_an_End
"The Days of the Martyred Prophets Are at an End" - The Volumes of Truth
Video/Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iNt0NznIyVw&list=PL6D1BC949E9840878&index=23
#prophets #dayofthelord #thussaysthelord #prophetsofgod #trueprophets #falseprophets #thevolumesoftruth #newscriptures #wrathofGod #God #wordofGod #rebuke #lettersfromGod #religion
The Perfect Reflection
“Apart from Me, there is no wisdom! Apart from The Holy One, there is no life! Apart from The Vine, there are no branches!
Behold, the leaves wither and the fruit has been cas... View MoreThe Perfect Reflection
“Apart from Me, there is no wisdom! Apart from The Holy One, there is no life! Apart from The Vine, there are no branches!
Behold, the leaves wither and the fruit has been cast down, for the people have no favor with God. Thus every dry branch must be broken off and cast into the fire, all corrupt fruit must be left and tread down.
For the temple of God has lost its form; its comeliness has departed, every chamber is empty. For the heart of man is void, his countenance unyielding. Thus the pride of man has become a chasm, both deep and wide.
Therefore repent, and receive of Me
As I am, and not as you would have Me be,
That you may be truly born again.
For I am the perfect reflection of The Father, The image of The Invisible God...
I died, behold, I am risen,
And by My life are you saved;
That you might become the perfect
Reflection of Me, The One alone
In whom is everlasting life...”
Says The Lord.
Source: Words To Live By: Part Two
More Words of Wisdom From The Lord, Our God and Savior: https://www.thevolumesoftruth.com/Words_To_Live_By:_Part_Two
• Regarding the Day of The Lord: https://answersonlygodcangive.com/Regarding_the_Day_of_The_Lord
• Regarding Pride: https://answersonlygodcangive.com/Regarding_Pride
• The Messiah: https://answersonlygodcangive.com/The_Messiah
• The Father and The Son are One: https://answersonlygodcangive.com/The_Father_and_The_Son_are_One
Video/Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kl0fF27Cv24&list=PLE8FlkxQPQkPHgZ2CISXAJx3vpxyJ9MCr&index=6
#TheVolumesofTruth #Prophecy #propheticword #YAHUWAH #YahuShua #Jesus #TrueProphet #WordofGod #WordsToLiveBy #wordsofwisdom #TheMessiah #TheHolyOne #TheVine #understanding #pride #TempleOfGod #bornagain #everlastinglife #salvation #perfectreflectiony
Fear Not
“Beloved, I know when each will come to Me, I know every trial and tribulation. Therefore, call on My name in this time of darkness, in this time of great calamity and fear. Hold fast throug... View MoreFear Not
“Beloved, I know when each will come to Me, I know every trial and tribulation. Therefore, call on My name in this time of darkness, in this time of great calamity and fear. Hold fast through all these tears, endure in these times of trouble.
Fear not, for I have overcome the world; I hold the keys of death and Sheol, and The Book of Life is held securely in My right hand...
No one can steal you from My love;
No one can pluck you from My hand; No one can break off what I have grafted in...
For I know you as you are and as you will be, with Me where I am...”
Says The Lord YahuShua.
Excerpt From: https://www.thevolumesoftruth.com/Words_To_Live_By:_Part_Two#Fear_Not
- Regarding Faith: https://answersonlygodcangive.com/Regarding_Faith
- The Messiah: https://answersonlygodcangive.com/The_Messiah
Video (with voice over) https://youtu.be/_DVDb5Qcv8U?si=-FshqCXN3Y5jUp9H
#TheVolumesofTruth #Prophecy #YAHUWAH #YahuShua #Jesus #JesusChrist #TheMessiah #God #TrueProphet #WordofGod #TheWordofTheLord #faith #fearnot #nofear #keys #death #life #bookoflife #love #wordstoliveby #wordsofwisdom #hope #encouragement #graftedin
“Thus says The Holy One of Israel: I have come not to make peace, but war, even war in My members - a great division,[4] the scourging of nations, the wrath of God! For the fulfillment of all that is ... View More“Thus says The Holy One of Israel: I have come not to make peace, but war, even war in My members - a great division,[4] the scourging of nations, the wrath of God! For the fulfillment of all that is written is at hand, and shall progress quickly. Yet for the sake of the elect, it shall be cut short.”
[4] Luke 12:51
Source: https://www.thevolumesoftruth.com/To_the_Nation_Once_Called_of_Itself_%E2%80%9CUnder_God%E2%80%9D
- Regarding the Day of The Lord: https://answersonlygodcangive.com/Regarding_the_Day_of_The_Lord
Video (with voice over) https://youtu.be/GnUOPW2OFkU?si=an69gJAeb2yndpY0
Hear The Word of The Lord
Spoken to THIS Generation!
#TheVolumesofTruth #Prophecy #YAHUWAH #YahuShua #Jesus #JesusChrist #God #WordofGod #TheWordofTheLord #bibleverse #scripture #Division #wrathofGod
The Truth
“The Scriptures are not malleable;
The Commandments do not change!...
... View MoreThe Truth
“The Scriptures are not malleable;
The Commandments do not change!...
For The Truth is absolute, forever standing on a hill, bright and shining, immovable, unbreakable!...
The Everlasting Stone which has become The Head of the Corner, The Great Mountain which fills the whole earth...”
Says The Lord.
Words To Live By: Part Two
More Words of Wisdom From The Lord, Our God and Savior: https://www.thevolumesoftruth.com/Words_To_Live_By:_Part_Two#The_Truth
• Regarding The Ten Commandments: https://answersonlygodcangive.com/Regarding_The_Ten_Commandments
• I Am The Lord, I Do Not Change: https://answersonlygodcangive.com/I_Am_The_Lord,_I_Do_Not_Change
? Video (with voice over) https://youtu.be/CmbzFhmDYEo
#TheVolumesofTruth #Prophecy #Propheticword #YAHUWAH #YahuShua #Jesus #JesusChrist #God #TrueProphet #WordofGod #TheWordofTheLord #tencommandments #godslaw #thelaw #TheTruth #truth #everlasting #forever #wordstoliveby #wordsofwisdom
"Therefore, let it be stated and set forth this day in the hearing of the people, whether they will hear or whether they will forbear, for it shall be done and come to pass as I have spoken it, even a... View More"Therefore, let it be stated and set forth this day in the hearing of the people, whether they will hear or whether they will forbear, for it shall be done and come to pass as I have spoken it, even as I proclaim it now: No man in authority, whether a self-appointed apostle, prophet, teacher, pastor, preacher, minister or priest, as they are called among men, who also forsake The Moral Law in the name of The Messiah, to make Him the author of sin, shall escape the Day of The Lord! For the saints of The Most High are those who keep My Commandments and remember My Sabbaths, and carry The Messiah within them, even unto pure testimony in His name, in word and by deed.[5]
Again, I tell you, no leader amongst the churches of men who forsakes the Sabbath, of which I Myself had sanctified from the beginning,[6] which is and has always been and shall always be the seventh day,[7] shall escape the Day of The Lord!"
~ Says The Lord
[5]: Revelation 12:17, Revelation 14:12
[6]: Genesis 2:3
[7]: Exodus 16:26, Exodus 16:30, Exodus 20:10-11, Exodus 23:12
? Excerpt from: https://www.thevolumesoftruth.com/Thus_Says_The_Lord_to_the_Churches_of_Men,_and_to_All_Their_Self-Appointed_Apostles,_Prophets_and_Preachers
"Thus Says The Lord to the Churches of Men, and to All Their Self-Appointed Apostles, Prophets and Preachers" - The Volumes of Truth
#lettertothechurches #warningfromgod #thussaysthelord #thevolumesoftruth #wrathofGod #churches #churchesofmen #tencommandments #sabbath #holidays #pagantraditions #selfappointed #apostles #prophets #preachers #ministers #pastors #God #wordofGod #correction #rebuke #lettersfromGod #christianity
"For indeed, the fear of YAHUWAH is the beginning of wisdom, and knowledge of The Holy One is understanding.[11] Therefore abide in Him, and you have Me also. Yet abide in the world, and you shall als... View More"For indeed, the fear of YAHUWAH is the beginning of wisdom, and knowledge of The Holy One is understanding.[11] Therefore abide in Him, and you have Me also. Yet abide in the world, and you shall also reap the world’s reward: Judgment and punishment in the Great and Terrible Day of The Lord. Therefore, My children, unless you call upon the name of The Messiah in truth, with sincere remorse in your hearts, as one broken atop The Stone,[12] you shall by no means escape.
Again I say to you, REPENT, and run to your Savior in truth!
Embrace Him as He truly is, and not as you would have Him be!...
Flee all these churches of men, turn your backs on all their
Self-appointed apostles, prophets and preachers, and run!...
Run to YahuShua, whom you call Christ and Jesus!
For He alone is your hope and your shield,[13] your only escape...
Says The Lord."
[11]: Proverbs 9:10
[12]: Matthew 21:44
[13]: Psalm 119:114
? Excerpt from: https://www.thevolumesoftruth.com/Thus_Says_The_Lord_to_the_Churches_of_Men,_and_to_All_Their_Self-Appointed_Apostles,_Prophets_and_Preachers
? Video/Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5TbZB4Y48ZA&list=PLE8FlkxQPQkP4Ljrix_obl1uYSx1VNyqE&index=28
#lettertothechurches #warningfromgod #thussaysthelord #thevolumesoftruth #wrathofGod #churches #churchesofmen #tencommandments #sabbath #holidays #pagantraditions #selfappointed #apostles #prophets #preachers #ministers #pastors #God #wordofGod #correction #rebuke #lettersfromGod #christianity
“... Severely punishing all who lead My people astray, even with sickness and death.â€
~ Says The Lord.
Excerpt From: https://www.thevolumesoftruth.com/Pride_Goes_Before_a_Fall
... View More“... Severely punishing all who lead My people astray, even with sickness and death.â€
~ Says The Lord.
Excerpt From: https://www.thevolumesoftruth.com/Pride_Goes_Before_a_Fall
#TheVolumesofTruth #Prophecy #YAHUWAH #YahuShua #Jesus #WordOfGod #TrueProphet #God #sickness #death #leadastray #punish #punishment
This question was asked of The Lord: Is the U.S.A. still a “God-fearing†nation?
Excerpt: “Thus says The Lord: Many yet fear Me, even the wicked deep within, yet very few have any love for God ... View MoreThis question was asked of The Lord: Is the U.S.A. still a “God-fearing†nation?
Excerpt: “Thus says The Lord: Many yet fear Me, even the wicked deep within, yet very few have any love for God in their hearts. For this nation is most perverse, a nation which loves abomination and from righteousness is far removed - Thus I have spit them out! Behold, even the earth shall vomit them out! For they have greatly defiled the land, a multitude of dry branches, broken off, which shall by no means be grafted in again until they fall hard upon their faces, crying out, “Blessed is He who comes in the name of The Lord!â€
Says The Lord
7/4/12 From The Lord, Our God and Savior: https://www.thevolumesoftruth.com/A_Perverse_Nation
â–¶ Video (with voice over) https://youtu.be/oRR7Btavp1s?si=_WbiojYbIcVZ0Ba3
• Regarding the United States: https://answersonlygodcangive.com/Regarding_the_United_States
• Regarding What is an Abomination to The Lord: https://answersonlygodcangive.com/Regarding_What_is_an_Abomination_to_The_Lord
• Regarding the Day of The Lord: https://answersonlygodcangive.com/Regarding_the_Day_of_The_Lord
#TheVolumesofTruth #Prophecy #PropheticWord #YAHUWAH #YahuShua #Jesus #WordofGod #TheWordofTheLord #TrueProphet #God #WarningfromGod #UnitedStates #America #DayofTheLord #USA #perversion #abomination #WrathofGod #wickedness #repent #rebuke
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