“…All who harbor evil thoughts shall be sent away, and many shall be left desolate. Indeed all flocks shall be tested, every congregation sifted, no matter their number - whether great or small, bond ... View More“…All who harbor evil thoughts shall be sent away, and many shall be left desolate. Indeed all flocks shall be tested, every congregation sifted, no matter their number - whether great or small, bond or free, rich or poor. There shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth.
Again, I say to you, the first harvest shall be lowly, of the lowly; and the second plenteous, of the refined and penitent...
For many are called, yet few are chosen.”
Says The Lord
Excerpt From: https://www.thevolumesoftruth.com/Workers_in_the_Field_of_The_Lord%E2%80%99s_Harvest
- Regarding the Churches of Men: https://answersonlygodcangive.com/Regarding_the_Churches_of_Men
- Regarding the Gathering Up ("Rapture") https://answersonlygodcangive.com/Regarding_the_Gathering_Up_(%22Rapture%22)
? Video (with voice over) https://youtu.be/UBe2l_vtEYg?si=4CjmZtGYIxHC7Ayx
#TheVolumesofTruth #Prophecy #YAHUWAH #YahuShua #Jesus #TrueProphet #TheWordofTheLord #rapture #RaptureReady #church #churches #harvest #firstharvest
Keep Watch
“Thus declares The Lord: All your setting of dates shall come to nothing, and all your precise predictions shall fail. For I may take them before or after. For I am God... Behold, the f... View MoreKeep Watch
“Thus declares The Lord: All your setting of dates shall come to nothing, and all your precise predictions shall fail. For I may take them before or after. For I am God... Behold, the first election is made, the time of bundling passed. Thick clouds have risen in the west, the hard rains have come, and who in all the earth is able to prevent it as it draws near, or hinder it when it arrives? Lo, a mighty wind blows in the east, yet who is aware of it, until it has overtaken them?
Therefore, keep watch, for you know not the time of The Lord’s coming...
Whether it be in the first, or in the second,
or in the third watch of the night, you know not the time of His return...
You know not the day or the hour...â€
Says The Lord.
Words To Live By: Part One
Words of Wisdom From The Lord, Our God and Savior: https://www.thevolumesoftruth.com/Words_To_Live_By:_Part_One
• Regarding the Gathering Up ("Rapture") https://answersonlygodcangive.com/Regarding_the_Gathering_Up_(%22Rapture%22)
• Regarding the Day and Hour Unknown: https://answersonlygodcangive.com/Regarding_the_Day_and_Hour_Unknown
🎬 Video (with voice over) https://youtu.be/Uzpg7-Sa2Rw
#TheVolumesofTruth #Prophecy #propheticword #YAHUWAH #YahuShua #Jesus #JesusChrist #God #WordofGod #Messiah #TheMessiah #rapture #jesusiscoming #harvest #wordsofwisdom #wordstoliveby #endtimesprophecy
“For the time has come, and is already upon you, when the children of God must be cleansed and set apart for My glory, says The Lord. Yet today the sanctified will be lashed, and the wicked uplifted... View More“For the time has come, and is already upon you, when the children of God must be cleansed and set apart for My glory, says The Lord. Yet today the sanctified will be lashed, and the wicked uplifted. And tomorrow evil shall come in, allowed only for a short season, that My people may be tested and the multitudes divided, a sifting of the wheat for the harvest; some to the first, while many others left to the second, with all tares burned in the fire; those on My right to everlasting life, and those on My left to everlasting punishment. Even so, amen.â€
Says The Lord.
Source: https://www.thevolumesoftruth.com/Run_from_the_Forest_and_Loose_All_That_Binds_You
-Regarding the Day of The Lord https://tinyurl.com/2p96xt7j
-Regarding Salvation https://tinyurl.com/nhfyv3rm
-Regarding the Gathering Up ("Rapture") https://tinyurl.com/2p8u4n3k
🎬 Video (with voice over) https://youtu.be/nFPYl8VjZLo
#TheDayofTheLord #rapture #TheVolumesofTruth #TheWordofGod #Scripture #LettersfromGod #ThussaysTheLord #gatheringup #harvest #sifting #divide #endtimes #truth #salvation #wisdom #YahuShua #YAHUWAH #prophecy #prophetic
“Beloved, I have waited patiently and tended My vineyard, doing all that was necessary to produce a fair crop, and now it is time for harvest. Yet I tell you plainly, it shall be a very lowly crop, ... View More“Beloved, I have waited patiently and tended My vineyard, doing all that was necessary to produce a fair crop, and now it is time for harvest. Yet I tell you plainly, it shall be a very lowly crop, a very small harvest, for few have ripened to maturity. Thus they must be left to ripen in their season. And though the winds shall be harsh and the rains rare, behold, even all manner of plagues shall come, I must not gather them until their due season, says The Lord.â€
Source: https://www.thevolumesoftruth.com/Walking_through_the_Valley
-Regarding the Gathering Up ("Rapture") https://tinyurl.com/2p8u4n3k
- Regarding the Day of The Lord: https://bit.ly/3DCX2uC
🎬 Video (with voice over) https://youtu.be/HC7Rms8IwqE
#TheVolumesofTruth #harvest #harvesttime #Rapture #DayOfTheLord #Jesus #YahuShua
Keep Watch
“Thus declares The Lord: All your setting of dates shall come to nothing, and all your precise predictions shall fail. For I may take them before or after. For I am God... Behold, the fi... View MoreKeep Watch
“Thus declares The Lord: All your setting of dates shall come to nothing, and all your precise predictions shall fail. For I may take them before or after. For I am God... Behold, the first election is made, the time of bundling passed. Thick clouds have risen in the west, the hard rains have come, and who in all the earth is able to prevent it as it draws near, or hinder it when it arrives? Lo, a mighty wind blows in the east, yet who is aware of it, until it has overtaken them?
Therefore, keep watch, for you know not the time of The Lord’s coming...
Whether it be in the first, or in the second,
or in the third watch of the night, you know not the time of His return...
You know not the day or the hour...â€
Says The Lord.
Source: https://www.thevolumesoftruth.com/Words_To_Live_By:_Part_One
-Regarding the Gathering Up ("Rapture") https://tinyurl.com/2p8u4n3k
-Regarding the Day and Hour Unknown: https://tinyurl.com/bdft3ufe
🎬 Video (with voice over) https://youtu.be/Uzpg7-Sa2Rw
#TheVolumesofTruth #Prophecy #YAHUWAH #YahuShua #Jesus #JesusChrist #God #WordofGod #Messiah #TheMessiah #rapture #jesusiscoming #harvest #wordsofwisdom #wordstoliveby #endtimesprophecy
"For I am coming quickly, and I will surely call out, and the first of many shall be gone from this place... Behold, I shall reveal My glory and the power of My strength, and the Word of The Lord shal... View More"For I am coming quickly, and I will surely call out, and the first of many shall be gone from this place... Behold, I shall reveal My glory and the power of My strength, and the Word of The Lord shall speak! Desolations shall continue until the Consummation, and the hidden treasure shall appear out of the ground when I arise and shake the earth mightily! For as the shaking of an olive tree, or grape gleanings after the harvest, so shall I gather the remnant in the day of grief and bitter sorrow."
~ Says The Lord
Excerpt from: https://www.thevolumesoftruth.com/I_Am_Calling_You_Out!_(Part_1)
I Am Calling You Out! (Part 1) - The Volumes of Truth
#TheVolumesofTruth #Prophecy #YAHUWAH #YahuShua #Jesus #TheWordofTheLord #TrueProphet #God #GatheringUp #rapture #resurrection #desolation #TheDayofTheLord #OliveTree #harvest #remnant #sorrow
5/19/10 From The Lord, Our God and Savior. The Word of The Lord Spoken to Timothy For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
I Shall Remove My Hand and My Spirit Shall Be Withdrawn...
"Beloved, I have pour... View More5/19/10 From The Lord, Our God and Savior. The Word of The Lord Spoken to Timothy For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
I Shall Remove My Hand and My Spirit Shall Be Withdrawn...
"Beloved, I have poured out My spirit on all flesh, even as I was poured out for you from the beginning. Yet no one comes to drink, not one is willing to receive of Me as I truly am. I have brought forth the rains in their due season, both the former and the latter, and still the crop wanes and bears only bitter fruit. Behold, the voice of The Lord your God has spoken, yet few have ears to hear, few are willing to open their heart and truly listen. I tell you the truth, before Me stands a very proud people, multitudes of foolish children who can not discern their right hand from their left. Their knowledge is corrupt; all their thoughts and musings only serve to uphold their vile nature. For they do not retain God in their thoughts, and from The Holy they are far removed."
Says The Lord
Excerpt from: https://www.thevolumesoftruth.com/I_Shall_Remove_My_Hand_and_My_Spirit_Shall_Be_Withdrawn..._And_That_Purposed_from_the_Beginning_Shall_Be_Done,_It_Shall_Be_Accomplished_Swiftly
#TheVolumesofTruth #Prophecy #YAHUWAH #YahuShua #Jesus #JesusChrist #God #TrueProphet #WordofGod #TheWordofTheLord #harvest #spirit #crop #fruit #voiceofgod #holy #knowledge #corrupt #discernment
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