Trust, Obey, and Love
“Trust with abandonment,
Obey without expectation, and
Love without condition...... View MoreTrust, Obey, and Love
“Trust with abandonment,
Obey without expectation, and
Love without condition...
For in this shall you truly know Me, with your faith progressing quickly toward perfection...â€
Says The Lord.
-Regarding Faith:
-Regarding Obedience:
🎬 Video:
#TheVolumesofTruth #prophecy #LettersfromGod #Scripture #faith #truth #trust #obey #love #wordstoliveby
“Yet remember this: All who have been awakened to the Truth must now walk in it...â€
“For thus says The Lord: Beloved, walk uprightly in Me, in My very footsteps. Abide in My doctrine, according... View More“Yet remember this: All who have been awakened to the Truth must now walk in it...â€
“For thus says The Lord: Beloved, walk uprightly in Me, in My very footsteps. Abide in My doctrine, according to the faith and knowledge you have received in Me. Progress toward perfection, with all trust. Keep The Commandments, as you testify to the Truth by your example. Yet no more walk in the ways of this world, nor in the doctrines and traditions of the churches, for they are corrupt; obey not the commandments of men.
Beloved, seek and you shall surely find, for all you need is written for your edification in the Scriptures of Truth...
And behold, even by these many Letters, which are of the same, have I set all these crooked paths straight...â€
Says The Lord.
Excerpt From:,_to_Keep_It_Holy
#TheVolumesofTruth #Prophecy #TrueProphet #YAHUWAH #YahuShua #Jesus #Shabbat #Sabbath #SeventhDay #TenCommandments #awakened #truth #walk #walkingintruth #abide #doctrine #scripture #edification #church #tradition #obey #obedience #knowledge #seek #LettersfromGod #TheWord #WordofGod #faith #upright
“I am the fulfillment of The Law, the very goal at which the Torah aims. Thus all those who embrace Me are freed from the curse of The Law, but by no means are they now free to forsake The Law. Rath... View More“I am the fulfillment of The Law, the very goal at which the Torah aims. Thus all those who embrace Me are freed from the curse of The Law, but by no means are they now free to forsake The Law. Rather, let The Law be written in your heart, for now you are under grace. And by the power of My own Spirit are you now able to keep The Law.†Says The Lord- (The Volumes of Truth, Volume 3 – “Blessed Are Those Who Overcome for My Name’s Sakeâ€)
Grace AND The Law (Bible/Letter Study)
#TheVolumesofTruth #YAHUSHUA #YAHUWAH #Jesus #JesusChrist #Lord #Grace #TheLaw #Torah #love #truth #TenCommandments #obey #obedience #ObeyGod #scripture #bible #biblestudy #teaching #WordOfGod #TheWord #wordsofwisdom #blessing #letters #letterstoliveby #GodSpeaks #study #corrections #knowledge #GraceandTruth
“Unrighteous jealousy is the companion of fools. For those who envy also grab hold of jealousy, walking hand in hand with covetousness. Beloved, there is but One who sees, One who knows, only One wh... View More“Unrighteous jealousy is the companion of fools. For those who envy also grab hold of jealousy, walking hand in hand with covetousness. Beloved, there is but One who sees, One who knows, only One who searches the hearts and minds - I AM HE. How is it then that My people sit in judgment, judging My Word and My will, resisting My ways as they look upon others with contempt? Shall you also seek to ascend above The Most High?! Shall you sit upon My throne?! For I tell you the truth, each time you sit in judgment and question My ways, you walk in satan’s aspirations; you follow in his footsteps!
And when I bless another, why do you not take joy in it? And when I correct you, why do you resist and question My ways? Am I not The Lord? Do I not give to each according to their faith, according to that which I see in their heart? Why do you in your arrogance set a line for Me to follow, or think within yourselves there must be a better way? And how is it you continually compare yourselves amongst yourselves, knowing this is unwise?Beloved, I have prepared a place for you! Therefore offer up thanksgiving, and cease from your complaints. Forgive and bless, let go and obey, love one another and wash each other’s feet. Take joy in all I do, especially in that which I bestow upon another.†Says The Lord
Excerpt From:
#TheVolumesofTruth #Prophecy #YAHUWAH #YahuShua #Jesus #JesusChrist #God #WordofGod #TheWordofTheLord #jealousy #envy #covet #one #godswill #judge #blessed #blessings #heart #faith #forgive #obey #obeygod #love #letgo #joy #delight
“Thus says The Lord: My children, do you love Me? Then do as I command you. Grow wise in Me, and live according to My Word, even according to all these Letters I have given you, by which I have set ... View More“Thus says The Lord: My children, do you love Me? Then do as I command you. Grow wise in Me, and live according to My Word, even according to all these Letters I have given you, by which I have set all these crooked paths straight. For My every word is Scripture, My every Letter truth. Be cognizant of My comings and goings. For I have indeed come to live in those who have received of Me, those who obey My voice and embrace Me as I truly am.â€
Excerpt From:
#Obedience #Faith #Love #TheVolumesofTruth #ThussaysTheLord #LivingSacrifices #Obey #FollowMe #Grow #Wise #YahuShuaHaMashiach #Scripture #Letter #Trust #HighwayofHoliness #Wordstoliveby #Wordsofwisdom #Truth #Theway #thewaythetruththelife
Steadfast Faith
Blessed is the wise and faithful servant,
Who gives no thought to how they are
Perceived in the eyes of others...... View MoreSteadfast Faith
Blessed is the wise and faithful servant,
Who gives no thought to how they are
Perceived in the eyes of others...
For they obey My voice,
And are not dismayed by the looks
Of those who judge without knowledge...
Indeed, they seek only to please their Master,
Having no need of the approval of others...
~Says The Lord.
Excerpt From:,_Our_God_and_Savior#Steadfast_Faith
“Steadfast Faith†- #114
Words To Live By... More Words of Wisdom From The Lord, Our God and Savior - The Volumes of Truth
- Regarding Faith
#TheVolumesofTruth #TrumpetCallofGod #Prophecy #YAHUWAH #YahuShua #Jesus #God #Savior #Mashiach #faith #faithoverfear #wisdom #wordsofwisdom #WordofGod #knowledge #blessed #faithful #voice #obey #master #look #approval #love #faithquotes #truth
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