"Thus says The Lord to His servant: Timothy, concerning the Sabbath, the seventh day of each week, Saturday is the day you shall remember and keep holy. Yes, you shall keep it holy and rest. You shall... View More"Thus says The Lord to His servant: Timothy, concerning the Sabbath, the seventh day of each week, Saturday is the day you shall remember and keep holy. Yes, you shall keep it holy and rest. You shall do no work on this day, neither shall your wife or children, nor any guest in your house,[1] save that which is needful for your household. You may also do those things which are good and fruitful in My eyes, according to that which I command you. Yet from doing your own pleasure depart and from your own works rest, on the Sabbath day; walk not in your own way, Timothy, but walk with Me in Mine. Rest in Me, and remember. For in this you honor Me and shall surely be blessed.[2]
Therefore, this is what I command you: You shall be prepared for the Sabbath by sunset on the sixth day, ceasing from all your works as I have commanded you. You shall remember and honor the Sabbath;[3] from sunset to sunset, you shall rest and be at peace."
[1]: Exodus 20:8-10
[2]: Isaiah 58:13-14
[3]: Exodus 20:8
📖 Excerpt from: https://www.thevolumesoftruth.com/Remember_The_Sabbath_and_Your_God,_and_He_Shall_Remember_You
"Remember The Sabbath and Your God, and He Shall Remember You" - The Volumes of Truth
#TheVolumesofTruth #Prophecy #YAHUWAH #YahuShua #Jesus #TheWordofTheLord #TrueProphet #God #Sabbath #RememberTheSabbath #SeventhDay #rest #TenCommandments #TheMoralLaw #TheMessiah #TheKingdomofGod #obedience #Shabbat #Saturday #holy #sunset #peace
(Regarding the Feast of Trumpets)
Thus says The Lord to His servants: Beloved ones, hear My words. For I have indeed set you apart to do My will. Therefore you shall honor and celebrate this feast in... View More(Regarding the Feast of Trumpets)
Thus says The Lord to His servants: Beloved ones, hear My words. For I have indeed set you apart to do My will. Therefore you shall honor and celebrate this feast in My name. You shall do all I command you, even that which the world and other believers do not yet understand.
This night, you shall blow the trumpet as the sun dips below the horizon, doing so with great sorrow in your hearts, because of that which this world has chosen in all their forsaking of Me; even as a lamentation over all this wickedness mankind has wrought in the earth, which shall come to a swift end at the setting of the sun upon this age of men. Then when morning comes, you shall once again sound the trumpet as the sun breaks the horizon, doing so with great joy in your hearts... For My Kingdom comes!
Source: https://www.thevolumesoftruth.com/To_Be_Set_Apart
"To Be Set Apart" - The Volumes of Truth
#TheVolumesofTruth #Prophecy #TheFeastofTrumpets #RoshHashanah #GodsHolyDays #FallFeasts #LettersfromGod #TheWordofGod #Leviticus23 #shofar #SetApart #TheHolyDays #Truth #YahuShua #Jesus #sunset #blowthetrumpet #sorrow #lamentation #wickedness #mankind
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