The Perfect Reflection
“Apart from Me, there is no wisdom! Apart from The Holy One, there is no life! Apart from The Vine, there are no branches!
Behold, the leaves wither and the fruit has been cas... View MoreThe Perfect Reflection
“Apart from Me, there is no wisdom! Apart from The Holy One, there is no life! Apart from The Vine, there are no branches!
Behold, the leaves wither and the fruit has been cast down, for the people have no favor with God. Thus every dry branch must be broken off and cast into the fire, all corrupt fruit must be left and tread down.
For the temple of God has lost its form; its comeliness has departed, every chamber is empty. For the heart of man is void, his countenance unyielding. Thus the pride of man has become a chasm, both deep and wide.
Therefore repent, and receive of Me
As I am, and not as you would have Me be,
That you may be truly born again.
For I am the perfect reflection of The Father, The image of The Invisible God...
I died, behold, I am risen,
And by My life are you saved;
That you might become the perfect
Reflection of Me, The One alone
In whom is everlasting life...”
Says The Lord.
Source: Words To Live By: Part Two
More Words of Wisdom From The Lord, Our God and Savior:
• Regarding the Day of The Lord:
• Regarding Pride:
• The Messiah:
• The Father and The Son are One:
#TheVolumesofTruth #Prophecy #propheticword #YAHUWAH #YahuShua #Jesus #TrueProphet #WordofGod #WordsToLiveBy #wordsofwisdom #TheMessiah #TheHolyOne #TheVine #understanding #pride #TempleOfGod #bornagain #everlastinglife #salvation #perfectreflectiony
Fear Not
“Beloved, I know when each will come to Me, I know every trial and tribulation. Therefore, call on My name in this time of darkness, in this time of great calamity and fear. Hold fast throug... View MoreFear Not
“Beloved, I know when each will come to Me, I know every trial and tribulation. Therefore, call on My name in this time of darkness, in this time of great calamity and fear. Hold fast through all these tears, endure in these times of trouble.
Fear not, for I have overcome the world; I hold the keys of death and Sheol, and The Book of Life is held securely in My right hand...
No one can steal you from My love;
No one can pluck you from My hand; No one can break off what I have grafted in...
For I know you as you are and as you will be, with Me where I am...”
Says The Lord YahuShua.
Excerpt From:
- Regarding Faith:
- The Messiah:
Video (with voice over)
#TheVolumesofTruth #Prophecy #YAHUWAH #YahuShua #Jesus #JesusChrist #TheMessiah #God #TrueProphet #WordofGod #TheWordofTheLord #faith #fearnot #nofear #keys #death #life #bookoflife #love #wordstoliveby #wordsofwisdom #hope #encouragement #graftedin
"Behold, I am The Living Bread which came down from Heaven, The Fountain of Living Waters which sustains My people unto everlasting life! My words never pass away, and My promises stand forever! There... View More"Behold, I am The Living Bread which came down from Heaven, The Fountain of Living Waters which sustains My people unto everlasting life! My words never pass away, and My promises stand forever! Therefore eat and be satisfied, drink deeply and be healed, for The Lord’s table is a bounty. And those who eat from My plate are always full, and those who drink from My cup shall never go thirsty. For My cup overflows, bearing fruit in every part of your life, bringing forth love and understanding."
~ Says The Lord
? Excerpt from:,_the_Harvest_Is_Near
"Bear Much Fruit, the Harvest Is Near" - The Volumes of Truth
#TheVolumesofTruth #Prophecy #YAHUWAH #YahuShua #Jesus #TheWordofTheLord #TrueProphet #God #FruitofTheSpirit #TheMessiah #faith #disciple #LivingWaters #EverlastingLife #love
Only those who seek that which is first,
Who fill themselves up with that which
Is most needful, will finish the day... View More"Renewed"
Only those who seek that which is first,
Who fill themselves up with that which
Is most needful, will finish the day
With strength enough to face tomorrow...
Therefore seek Me out at every opportunity,
Whether for a moment or for the hour,
That you may be renewed in My presence...
Looking always to The Blessed Hope,
Having tasted of it while in waiting...
Says The Lord.
📖 Source:
Words To Live By (Part Two): More Words of Wisdom From The Lord, Our God and Savior - The Volumes of Truth
#TheVolumesofTruth #Prophecy #YAHUWAH #YahuShua #Jesus #TrueProphet #TheWordofTheLord #WordsToLiveBy #Psalms #Proverbs #Wisdom #TheMessiah #renewed #disciple #faith #GodsPresence #BlessedHope
"Prepare the Way of The Lord"
Prepare in the desert the way of The Lord!
Make a straight path in these
Dry and parched lands,... View More"Prepare the Way of The Lord"
Prepare in the desert the way of The Lord!
Make a straight path in these
Dry and parched lands,
For The Holy One of Israel!
Let every valley be exalted,
And every mountain and hill brought low!
Let the crooked places be made straight,
And the rough places smooth!
For The Glory of The Lord shall be
Revealed from Heaven, and all
People shall behold it together!...
Declares The Lord.
📖 Source:
Words To Live By (Part Two): More Words of Wisdom From The Lord, Our God and Savior - The Volumes of Truth
#TheVolumesofTruth #Prophecy #YAHUWAH #YahuShua #Jesus #TrueProphet #TheWordofTheLord #WordsToLiveBy #Psalms #Proverbs #Wisdom #TheMessiah #TheHolyOneofIsrael #glory #Heaven
"Beloved, here is wisdom: The penitent wait and bow down in thanksgiving. Yet the arrogant and false righteous stand up proudly, declaring their deliverance, a deliverance which has already passed and... View More"Beloved, here is wisdom: The penitent wait and bow down in thanksgiving. Yet the arrogant and false righteous stand up proudly, declaring their deliverance, a deliverance which has already passed and shall not come. For My hand is removed and My spirit taken. For only those in whom I see of Myself shall escape, and only those caught in My embrace shall fly away.
Thus as you were made to wait, so shall these within the churches of men wait. For they wait for a sound they no longer recognize, for a call to which they have shut their ears, for a shout from Him whom they have not known, a voice they have altogether rejected. For how can one who rejects My voice heed the call? And how can one who turns away from Me, embrace Me when the shout is made? For they have surely joined themselves to another, they embrace another messiah, a false christ, who looks nothing like Me. Therefore they shall surely pass through the fire, for by no other means shall they be saved.[1]
This then is what I command you, little flock: Have compassion, and pray for your brothers and sisters in the churches of men and for the unbelieving of Israel;
For they must endure much for the sake of My name...
And though the day has passed, lo it has ceased for many, it has not altogether passed away...
For My spirit remains with the first election,
And shall be restored to the penitent after...â€
Says The Lord
[1]: 1 Corinthians 3:11 (HNV)
Excerpt from:
•·············•··········· ·Â·â€¢Â·Â·Â·Â·Â·Â·Â·Â·Â·Â·Â·Â·Â·â€¢
• Regarding The Holy Days of God:
• Regarding The Holy Spirit:
🎬 Video (with voice over)
#TheVolumesofTruth #Prophecy #YAHUWAH #YahuShua #Jesus #TrueProphet #TheWordofTheLord #Pentecost #TheHolySpirit #GodsHolyDays #SpiritRemoved #ProphecyFulfilled #TheSabbath #correction #churches #penitent #deliverance #rapture #escape #FirstElection #Truth #TheMessiah #Lord #Savior
11/9/06 From YahuShua HaMashiach, Our Lord and Savior
The Word of The Lord Spoken to Timothy For Someone Who Asked if They Can Still Serve The Lord as a Pastor
Even Though They Are Homosexual, and For... View More11/9/06 From YahuShua HaMashiach, Our Lord and Savior
The Word of The Lord Spoken to Timothy For Someone Who Asked if They Can Still Serve The Lord as a Pastor
Even Though They Are Homosexual, and For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
Excerpt: "Therefore you know the answer to your question already, for all is written in the Scriptures of Truth. Shall one, who does that which is an abomination in the eyes of God, serve Me? He may not. For as it is written: No one who actively engages in or passively practices homosexuality shall inherit The Kingdom of God.[5] Behold, even all who voice their agreement shall be left outside the gate,[6] says The Lord. Yet if one comes to Me and asks of Me forgiveness, even a continual washing in My own blood, he shall surely have it; even if he comes to Me seven times, or seventy times seven times, he shall be forgiven.[7] For I forgive all those who come to Me in sincerity and in truth, and draw near to those of a contrite heart, delivering those of a humble spirit.
Beloved, by this then
Shall our love be made perfect...
You shall abstain from that which is
Not lawful, and make every effort
To depart from that which is an
Abomination in the eyes of God...
You must strive to be completely separate
From that life, presenting your body
As a living sacrifice to The Lord...
~ Says The Lord
[5]: 1 Corinthians 6:9-10 (CJB)
[6]: Revelation 22:15
[7]: Matthew 18:21-22
📖 Excerpt from:’s_Sake
"Blessed Are Those Who Overcome for My Name’s Sake" - The Volumes of Truth
#TheVolumesofTruth #Prophecy #YAHUWAH #YahuShua #Jesus #TheWordofTheLord #TrueProphet #God #sin #forgiveness #abomination #homosexuality #Christianity #disciple #obedience #TheDayofTheLord #TheMessiah
"...For the Sabbath is more than rest, and the Commandment[2] more than peace, for a day in The Lord is as a thousand years! Therefore, as I rested on the seventh day, so also shall My people. For I h... View More"...For the Sabbath is more than rest, and the Commandment[2] more than peace, for a day in The Lord is as a thousand years! Therefore, as I rested on the seventh day, so also shall My people. For I had blessed and sanctified the seventh day from the beginning[3], a day set apart and holy, even as those in whom I dwell are set apart and holy.
My son, follow Me, walk in My footsteps,
And you shall surely be blessed.
For the servant who walks in My ways
Shall know Me, and the disciple who
Rests in Me on the Sabbath Day shall have peace."
~ Says The Lord
[2]: Exodus 20:8-11
[3]: Genesis 2:3
📖 Excerpt from:,_and_Not_Man_for_The_Sabbath
"The Sabbath Was Made for Man, and Not Man for The Sabbath" - The Volumes of Truth
#TheVolumesofTruth #Prophecy #YAHUWAH #YahuShua #Jesus #TheWordofTheLord #TrueProphet #God #Sabbath #Shabbat #TenCommandments #KingdomofGod #SeventhDay #Holy #disciple #rest #TheMessiah
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