"How long shall My beloved wander in desolate places?! How long shall they strip the fruitful field bare and pollute the springs of living water?! The innocent are destroyed, and the earth is forsaken... View More"How long shall My beloved wander in desolate places?! How long shall they strip the fruitful field bare and pollute the springs of living water?! The innocent are destroyed, and the earth is forsaken! The cities of men are a harbor for every foul and detestable bird, a nest for every kind of evil; behold, great wickedness dwells there! Therefore the earth shall rise up against the sons of men, and nature shall break forth in its fury and fight against them, until all in the earth grow weary and the heart of this people is torn! - A rent which is deep, a rent made wide.
Behold, the earth shall shake and rumble from beneath, the cities shall break apart and the towers shall be toppled, and the glory of man shall be utterly devastated! The blood of the innocent shall cry out from the ground, every atrocity of man shall be remembered, when The Lord God strikes the earth with plague and famine and the waters turn to blood!
For the generation of My wrath shall be shaken, the generation of My fury shall be broken without hand! Behold, the storm is already overhead, the whirlwind breaks forth from the midst of the clouds! SEEK SHELTER! For I have set My face against you, O sons of men, and with a strong hand and an outstretched arm I shall surely punish the inhabitants of the earth!"
~ Says The Lord
? Excerpt from: https://www.thevolumesoftruth.com/I_Am_Calling_You_Out!_(Part_1)
I Am Calling You Out! (Part 1) - The Volumes of Truth
#TheVolumesofTruth #Prophecy #YAHUWAH #YahuShua #Jesus #TheWordofTheLord #TrueProphet #God #SetApart #TheDayofTheLord #atrocity #abortion #cities #wickedness #calamity #plague #famine #repent
"The earth is filled with violence, the whole world is corrupt! Madness has overcome the people, transgression is uplifted, and abominations of every kind are widely accepted; great wickedness prolife... View More"The earth is filled with violence, the whole world is corrupt! Madness has overcome the people, transgression is uplifted, and abominations of every kind are widely accepted; great wickedness proliferates throughout every tribe, tongue, people and nation unimpeded! Thus the earth is forsaken for a time, wherein I have turned to it My back. And so shall it remain, until the Great Day comes when I shall move swiftly against it."
Says The Lord
1/10/10 From The Lord, Our God and Savior: https://www.thevolumesoftruth.com/The_World_Shall_Be_Shaken
â–¶ Video/Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xe_r7cI_BCg&list=PLE8FlkxQPQkP4Ljrix_obl1uYSx1VNyqE&index=37
• The Days of Noah Revived: https://answersonlygodcangive.com/Regarding_the_Days_of_Noah#The_Days_of_Noah_Revived
• The One Who Stays, Lets: https://answersonlygodcangive.com/The_One_Who_Stays,_Lets#The_One_Who_Stays.2C_Lets
• Regarding the Birth Pangs: https://answersonlygodcangive.com/Regarding_the_Birth_Pangs
• Regarding the Day of The Lord: https://answersonlygodcangive.com/Regarding_the_Day_of_The_Lord
#TheVolumesofTruth #Prophecy #YAHUWAH #YahuShua #Jesus #TheWordofTheLord #TrueProphet #God #TheDayofTheLord #calamity #violence #madness #corrupt #transgression #abomination #wickedness #endtimes #revelation
This question was asked of The Lord: Is the U.S.A. still a “God-fearing†nation?
Excerpt: “Thus says The Lord: Many yet fear Me, even the wicked deep within, yet very few have any love for God ... View MoreThis question was asked of The Lord: Is the U.S.A. still a “God-fearing†nation?
Excerpt: “Thus says The Lord: Many yet fear Me, even the wicked deep within, yet very few have any love for God in their hearts. For this nation is most perverse, a nation which loves abomination and from righteousness is far removed - Thus I have spit them out! Behold, even the earth shall vomit them out! For they have greatly defiled the land, a multitude of dry branches, broken off, which shall by no means be grafted in again until they fall hard upon their faces, crying out, “Blessed is He who comes in the name of The Lord!â€
Says The Lord
7/4/12 From The Lord, Our God and Savior: https://www.thevolumesoftruth.com/A_Perverse_Nation
â–¶ Video (with voice over) https://youtu.be/oRR7Btavp1s?si=_WbiojYbIcVZ0Ba3
• Regarding the United States: https://answersonlygodcangive.com/Regarding_the_United_States
• Regarding What is an Abomination to The Lord: https://answersonlygodcangive.com/Regarding_What_is_an_Abomination_to_The_Lord
• Regarding the Day of The Lord: https://answersonlygodcangive.com/Regarding_the_Day_of_The_Lord
#TheVolumesofTruth #Prophecy #PropheticWord #YAHUWAH #YahuShua #Jesus #WordofGod #TheWordofTheLord #TrueProphet #God #WarningfromGod #UnitedStates #America #DayofTheLord #USA #perversion #abomination #WrathofGod #wickedness #repent #rebuke
"I shall devastate every coastland and pour out judgment on every city where satan dwells, upon every state that continues in the slaughter of the innocent! Behold, I shall pour out double! Yes double... View More"I shall devastate every coastland and pour out judgment on every city where satan dwells, upon every state that continues in the slaughter of the innocent! Behold, I shall pour out double! Yes double, even double again, upon all who murder My precious gifts, as it is written![1] And those who reject My Word spoken to this generation shall by no means be spared!
Yet upon those places which have put a stop to the slaughter of the unborn, I shall stay My hand, yet only slightly. They shall not receive double. They shall receive only that which is due them, according to that which I see, and in accordance with their every idle word.
For though the slaughter of the innocent is very grievous, over which My indignation burns hot, it remains but one of many sins, yea, a great multitude of transgressions by which this generation has provoked Me to anger."
~ Says The Lord
[1]: See: "The Innocent Are Mine": http://marker.to/KR4SIy
📖 Excerpt from: https://www.thevolumesoftruth.com/Overthrow
"Overthrow" - The Volumes of Truth
#TheVolumesofTruth #Prophecy #YAHUWAH #YahuShua #Jesus #TheWordofTheLord #TrueProphet #God #TheDayofTheLord #sin #wickedness #abortion #UnitedStates #coastland #judgment
"Thus says The Lord: The love of man has grown cold, and the heart of man has become increasingly wicked. Their hands work evil everyday, and with their feet they run swiftly to commit violence agains... View More"Thus says The Lord: The love of man has grown cold, and the heart of man has become increasingly wicked. Their hands work evil everyday, and with their feet they run swiftly to commit violence against their neighbor; lo, they make plans and devise evil schemes against their neighbors! They murder the innocent without cause and rob the poor! Behold, they murder and dismember the helpless, and the heartless applaud them! And every night, they love to lie down in their abominations.
Therefore, My face is set to consume them from off the land, to destroy them in all the earth! Wrath shall increase, and recompense shall overflow by measure! It shall come down like flooding rain, and the tears shall flow like streams of water in the waste places! The face of wrath is shown up, the heat of vengeance has come forth to kill the inhabitants of the earth!
The Lord of Hosts has come out of His temple;
He has stepped down from His dwelling place
To look upon the evil works of men, and to repay
All this wickedness done by their hands...
The Lord God of Hosts is come down,
To make the west as Sodom
And the east as Gomorrah.[1]"
[1]: 2 Peter 2:6, Jude 1:7
📖 Excerpt from: https://www.thevolumesoftruth.com/I_AM_LORD
"I AM LORD" - The Volumes of Truth
#TheVolumesofTruth #Prophecy #YAHUWAH #YahuShua #Jesus #TheWordofTheLord #TrueProphet #God #TheDayofTheLord #Sodom #Gomorrah #wickedness #violence #abortion #GodsWrath
"Sins of every kind imaginable flow through every land!
Yea, as a mighty river it flows into every nation,
Reaching unto new heights in wickedness as the walls
Are broken down, overtopped by these qui... View More"Sins of every kind imaginable flow through every land!
Yea, as a mighty river it flows into every nation,
Reaching unto new heights in wickedness as the walls
Are broken down, overtopped by these quickly rising waters!
The levees are eroded from beneath, they are
Undermined continually, widening the breach!...
Behold, a great flood of sin has ensued,
A terrible deluge covers the face of the whole earth,
And still the fear of The Lord is all but forgotten!...
~ Says The Lord
📖 Excerpt from: https://www.thevolumesoftruth.com/THE_CUP_OF_THE_WRATH_OF_MY_FURY_IS_COME_TO_THE_FULL
#TheVolumesofTruth #Prophecy #YAHUWAH #YahuShua #Jesus #TheWordofTheLord #TrueProphet #God #TheDayofTheLord #sin #wickedness #flood #GodsWrath #LastTrumpet #WarningfromGod
"Behold, mankind has brought Me to this place once again, because of the multitude of sin which spreads forth across the land unimpeded, because of the multitude of tears and wailing which has entered... View More"Behold, mankind has brought Me to this place once again, because of the multitude of sin which spreads forth across the land unimpeded, because of the multitude of tears and wailing which has entered My ears; behold, the outcry is very great! And because of the multitudes of slain, and because of the silent screams of every unborn child whom you have murdered while still in the womb, O most wicked generation!..." Says The Lord God
(*Please click the video below to see the WHOLE section)
â–¶ Excerpt from: VENGEANCE IS MINE, I SHALL REPAY! (set to music and imagery) https://youtu.be/TCt1bJYNLB0?si=gRbDHHee8oNeSBh-
Source (Full Letter) https://www.thevolumesoftruth.com/Vengeance_Is_Mine,_I_Shall_Repay
#warningfromgod #DayOfTheLord #VengeanceIsMineSaysTheLord #Pride #arrogance #wickedness #sin #DaysOfNoah #abortion #wrathofGod #Repent #TheVolumesofTruth #letterfromgod #NewScriptures
"Therefore, thus says The Lord God: Behold the generation of My wrath! Look upon this great multitude of wicked and deceived peoples; look deep into this darkness! Take a lantern and search, go from h... View More"Therefore, thus says The Lord God: Behold the generation of My wrath! Look upon this great multitude of wicked and deceived peoples; look deep into this darkness! Take a lantern and search, go from house to house, and see if there is one who remembers The Way! See if there are any who know Me, if there is one who embraces Me as I truly am!
And yet the people say, “Where has all this darkness come from, and for what cause has all this violence come upon us? For what reason is all this devastation come upon us?!†Is this not the Day which was spoken of? Says The Lord. Is this not the Day prophesied throughout the generations, even from the beginning, that it should come? Is this not the Day of Clouds and Thick Darkness?! For I tell you the truth, it has come, all have entered in!"
📖 Excerpt from: https://www.thevolumesoftruth.com/The_Generation_of_Wrath
"The Generation of Wrath" - The Volumes of Truth
#TheVolumesofTruth #Prophecy #YAHUWAH #YahuShua #Jesus #TheWordofTheLord #TrueProphet #God #TheDayofTheLord #calamity #revelation #EndTimes #wrath #GodsAnger #wickedness #sin #violence #Devastation
#DayofClouds #ThickDarkness
“I must not withhold My punishment, and My judgment must be satisfied; evil must be utterly destroyed, it must be consumed from before My face. For if I do not do that which I have purposed in My he... View More“I must not withhold My punishment, and My judgment must be satisfied; evil must be utterly destroyed, it must be consumed from before My face. For if I do not do that which I have purposed in My heart to do, and if that which is stored up in the storehouses of My wrath is not poured out, mankind would surely destroy themselves by their own hand, leaving the garden uninhabitable!"
Says The Lord
📖 Source: https://www.thevolumesoftruth.com/The_Last_Trumpet_Before_The_Time
🎬 Video/Playlist: https://tinyurl.com/3mhvkahk
-Regarding the Day of The Lord: https://tinyurl.com/2p96xt7j
-New Heights in Wickedness:https://tinyurl.com/5537rjk7
#warningfromgod #thussaysthelord #propheticword #LastTrumpet #voiceofGod #DayOfTheLord #thevolumesoftruth #wordofgod #lettersfromgod #wickedness #wrathofgod #JudgmentDay #YAHUWAH #God #TheGodOfIsrael #Israel
*Newly Uploaded* - Section 4 of 9: "MY JUDGMENT MUST BE SATISFIED" (From: The Last Trumpet Before The Time - Volume 7)
"I must not withhold My punishment, and My judgment must be satisfied; evil must... View More*Newly Uploaded* - Section 4 of 9: "MY JUDGMENT MUST BE SATISFIED" (From: The Last Trumpet Before The Time - Volume 7)
"I must not withhold My punishment, and My judgment must be satisfied; evil must be utterly destroyed, it must be consumed from before My face. For if I do not do that which I have purposed in My heart to do, and if that which is stored up in the storehouses of My wrath is not poured out, mankind would surely destroy themselves by their own hand, leaving the garden uninhabitable!..." Says Yahuwah
(*Please click the video below to see the WHOLE Section)
â–¶ï¸ Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lSBKvjwR6CM&list=PLE8FlkxQPQkNatomGOvPp_p6H6M1__E1A&index=4
📖 Source: https://www.thevolumesoftruth.com/The_Last_Trumpet_Before_The_Time
â–¶ ALL SECTIONS - Video Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLE8FlkxQPQkP4Ljrix_obl1uYSx1VNyqE (Sections 5-9 coming soon)
â–¶ Volume Seven - Video Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLE8FlkxQPQkP4Ljrix_obl1uYSx1VNyqE
#warningfromgod #thussaysthelord #propheticword #LastTrumpet #voiceofGod #DayOfTheLord #thevolumesoftruth #wordofgod #newscriptures #lettersfromgod #wickedness #wrathofgod #JudgmentDay #YAHUWAH #God #TheGodOfIsrael #Israel
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