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11/9/06 From YahuShua HaMashiach, Our Lord and SaviorThe Word of The Lord Spoken to Timothy For Someone Who Asked if They Can Still Serve The Lord as a PastorEven Though They Are Homosexual, and For All Those Who Have Ears to HearExcerpt: "Therefore you know the answer to your question already, for all is written in the Scriptures of Truth. Shall one, who does that which is an abomination in the eyes of God, serve Me? He may not. For as it is written: No one who actively engages in or passively practices homosexuality shall inherit The Kingdom of God.[5] Behold, even all who voice their agreement shall be left outside the gate,[6] says The Lord. Yet if one comes to Me and asks of Me forgiveness, even a continual washing in My own blood, he shall surely have it; even if he comes to Me seven times, or seventy times seven times, he shall be forgiven.[7] For I forgive all those who come to Me in sincerity and in truth, and draw near to those of a contrite heart, delivering those of a humble spirit.Beloved, by this thenShall our love be made perfect...You shall abstain from that which isNot lawful, and make every effortTo depart from that which is anAbomination in the eyes of God...You must strive to be completely separateFrom that life, presenting your bodyAs a living sacrifice to The Lord...Blameless."~ Says The Lord[5]: 1 Corinthians 6:9-10 (CJB)[6]: Revelation 22:15[7]: Matthew 18:21-22📖 Excerpt from:’s_Sake"Blessed Are Those Who Overcome for My Name’s Sake" - The Volumes of Truth #Prophecy #YAHUWAH #YahuShua #Jesus #TheWordofTheLord #TrueProphet #God #sin #forgiveness #abomination #homosexuality #Christianity #disciple #obedience #TheDayofTheLord #TheMessiah
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