GoodVue Network

Kulture TV

Apologetics 24/7

Prophetic Word
on December 26, 2022
“What are all these tears?! - Flowing streams without hope, torrents with no outlet, flooding sorrows drowning every hope and killing every good intention! What is this leaning upon God’s people, oppressing them, crushing them?! Who are all these who spit in My eyes and lay stripes upon My back?! Are not My people delivered?! And still the voice of the multitude says, “There is no hope in God.”
Dark counsel is increased!”
“Yet My hand caresses the cheeks of the hopeless, as we watch the dawning of the day together...
For the strength of My arm uplifts the downtrodden, My strong embrace heals the sorrowful, every beat of My heart revives the dead, and the sound of My voice frees every captive...
Behold, the power of My love hides them away!...”
Says The Lord.
Excerpt From:
#TheVolumesofTruth #Prophecy #YAHUWAH #YahuShua #Jesus #JesusChrist #God #TrueProphet #WordofGod #TheWordofTheLord #blessedhope #hope #love #faith #rapture #resurrection #delivered #savior #Redeemer #healing #salvation #truth #revelation #TheMessiah
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