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Ted McKenney

Male. Lives in San Antonio, United States. Born on April 14, 1964. Is married.
Duke White Jr.
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JoAnn Smith
I keep praying for a home of our own. Still homeless 2 and a half years later. Please Pray God will give my family a home of our own so we can get our stuff out of storage and not be a bother to our f... View More
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John Ramo
i will pray for you and your family for your own home. 1f60c.png
October 18, 2021
JoAnn Smith
Thank you
October 18, 2021
Ted McKenney
Dear Atheist If this world is all there is and we all just turn to dust when we die, Then what does it matter what i believe or what you believe? Even hedonism doesn’t matter And If we are all just ... View More
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Ted McKenney
Prayerfully think about donating and sharing https://gofund.me/ebd2923f
Ted McKenney
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Ted McKenney
John 17:5 (NAS): Now, Father, glorify Me together with Yourself, with the glory which I had with You before the world was. #JesusIsGod
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Ted McKenney
Prayerfully think about donating and sharing https://gofund.me/ebd2923f
Ted McKenney
Prayerfully think about donating and sharing https://gofund.me/ebd2923f
Ted McKenney
The more we gaze on Christ, the more we see his holiness, the more we see our unholiness, the more we repent, the more we grow in holiness.
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Ted McKenney
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