Mike Murphy
July 24, 2021
11,843 views 110 plays

Ten questions from the pages of the Bible (NASB).

This is an Open-Book test.

In the beginning God created what? Genesis 1:1
Man was made in the image of God. Genesis 1:26
God took which bone from Adam to make Eve? Genesis 2:22
Why did Eve eat the forbidden fruit and share it with Adam? Genesis 3:13
Why were Adam and Eve driven out of the garden of Eden? Genesis 3:17
Cain, the first born son of Adam and Eve, murdered his brother Abel. Genesis 4:8
Noah was saved from destruction by what? Genesis 6:14
God saw too much wickedness and evil on earth and decided to destroy all but whom? Genesis 7:13
Noah was on the ark for how long before it came to rest on the mountains of Ararat? Genesis 8:4
Where was it that God created many different languages and scattered the people? Genesis 11:9
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Naomi Waters
Question 9 actually doesn't provide you the correct answer. It came to rest on Mount Ararat exactly 5 months after the flood started. Aa ancient Hebrew month was generally 28 days. It started in the 2nd month on the 17th. Genesis 7:11. It came to rest in the 7th month on the 17th. Genesis 8:4 Howev... View More
November 1, 2021 Edited
Keri Kelley
Read the question wrong
March 18, 2022
An interesting quiz because it points out a number of points of potential confusion. Since many of the answers weren't on the list, I've supplied some answer which, I admit that I supplemented because I didn't remember some exact numbers. 1) Heavens and earth - So far, so good. 2) True / False - Wa... View More
March 20, 2022
Peggy Baayen
I had to look it up too.
March 21, 2022