Question 9 actually doesn't provide you the correct answer. It came to rest on Mount Ararat exactly 5 months after the flood started. Aa ancient Hebrew month was generally 28 days. It started in the 2nd month on the 17th. Genesis 7:11. It came to rest in the 7th month on the 17th. Genesis 8:4 Howev... View MoreQuestion 9 actually doesn't provide you the correct answer. It came to rest on Mount Ararat exactly 5 months after the flood started. Aa ancient Hebrew month was generally 28 days. It started in the 2nd month on the 17th. Genesis 7:11. It came to rest in the 7th month on the 17th. Genesis 8:4 However, it took another 2.5 months for the waters to recede. Then another 40 days after that, Noah opened the window and released the raven. Being a grand total of 8 months and 24 days they were in the boat. Of course, your question was "How long was Moses on the boat before it came to a rest on Mount Ararat?"so, the correct answer is exactly 5 months.
An interesting quiz because it points out a number of points of potential confusion. Since many of the answers weren't on the list, I've supplied some answer which, I admit that I supplemented because I didn't remember some exact numbers.
1) Heavens and earth - So far, so good.
2) True / False - Wa... View MoreAn interesting quiz because it points out a number of points of potential confusion. Since many of the answers weren't on the list, I've supplied some answer which, I admit that I supplemented because I didn't remember some exact numbers.
1) Heavens and earth - So far, so good.
2) True / False - Wa 'amar 'Elohim na'ase 'adam ba-selemin-wa ki-dimutenu - "Let us create / craft man / mud ('adam) in / into our images". This was not the action of a single god but of the 'Elohim - 'El and his heavenly pantheon.
3) The side ("sel'a") - This was not a single bone but the side of 'Adam. The 'Elohim created 'Adam "man and woman", together, as an androgynous being (Gen 1:27). It was in Gen 2:22 that Yahoweh of the 'Elohim split 'Adam into a complete male side and a complete female side.
4) She claimed that she was deceived by the Serpent but there was no mention of the Serpent being evil.
5) To prevent them from eating of the Tree of Life and become immortal like the 'Elohim - Gen 3:22. Gen 3:17 explains why and how 'Adam was punished.
6) True
7) By moving into a three-tiered pyramid - There are at least three stories merged together to form the current biblical flood narrative. Some details were duplicated. Some were dropped. The word for "ark" is teba which is a non-hebrew word and probably derives from the egyptian word t-b-t, meaning "box / coffin". It appears that this part of the tale was probably based on a version from the Babylonian Exile as the description of the ark, other than it being a boat and floating matches the basic description of a babylonian temple with three tiers, a door at the top representing the floodgates of the heavens (or, at least, access to), and being, at least spiritually, the mountain of God. Support for this idea also comes from the "end" of the Flood (Gen 8:7-12) where 'oreb is normally translated as "raven" but is a cognate of "floodgate" and yonah is translated as "dove" but is believed, by some scholars to derive from yayin ("wine") which is the libation offered to God(s) during some sacrifices (such as happened in Gen 8:20-21).
8) None of these is correct. The question asks "all but" however, the best provided answer - all of the above - does not include the wives of Noah and his sons.
9) Unclear. Gen 7:12, 16-17 mentions 40 days of rain and 40 days of flood. We do not know if these overlapped. Gen 8:2 mentions the rains stopping after an unspecified amount of time but the waters taking another 150 days (5 months) to abate. If you just count the months (10 months (Gen 8:5)) and the days and months after that, then you can arrive at close to 1 year but there are several places where times could have overlapped and were contradicted by the earlier account so it is difficult to know.
10) Tower of Babel - Another temple structure. This one mocking the babylonian temples.